Work with Megan Joyner Dell - Fitness Coach for Women
For women who want to change the shape of their body (gain muscle, burn fat, get more definition), weight lifting is non negotiable.
Adding lean muscle to your body increases your metabolic rate, which makes it easier to burn more calories at rest, and more calories during exercise. As you burn more calories, you might lose fat, which takes up more space than muscle, so even if the number on the scale doesn’t move, you still appear smaller, but you now have more definition.
That’s why I create my programs the way I do, using the law of progressive overload, to get my clients the results they desire.
Most people think that in order to change the shape of their body, that you have to just do cardio to burn fat. And then once they get to their goal weight, then they’ll add in weight training to tone up. That’s a common misconception. The reality of the situation is start lifting first. Yes cardio is fine, but cardio is more a condiment, the main dish should be weight training and the reason why is because muscle is your metabolic powerhouse.
I coach weight-training programs designed specifically for women, who want to build lean muscle, maintain it as they age, and be more athletic. My programs will enable you to learn foundational movements for building muscle and shedding fat, and create momentum as you develop lifelong healthy habits. My coaching will also get you fuelling your body in a way that supports building lean muscle. I will teach you my Signature LEAD System. And it doesn’t require restrictive dieting or endless cardio. Coaching with me is all about mastering these 4 Big Dial Movers. The reason why this is important is because these are the 4 big non-negotiables all of my clients have to master to make their transformation.
Muscle is the key that helps you maintain bone density, insulin sensitivity and feel strong, confident and sexy in your skin.
Most women lose 3-8% of their muscle mass each decade, starting in their 30s if they don’t consciously work to preserve it or build it.
As a Certified Health Coach and Personal Trainer, I will help you succeed through fitness and lifestyle coaching. I will be with you every step of the way!
- Complimentary 1:1 VIP Session: Discuss your goals, your history with exercise, and any injuries to help create a custom plan that helps you achieve your transformation
- Movement Assessment
- Begin your Training Plan with customized workouts based on your goals and what equipment you have access to
- Accountability + Mindset + Lifestyle Coaching using my Signature LEAD System (4 Big Dial Movers you need to implement to be successful)
- If you are looking for a more flexible and affordable option than in person training, I suggest my Premium 1:1 Online Coaching. This includes access to my Fitness App with demonstration videos for each exercise to ensure proper form, in app messaging (like having a fitness coach in your back pocket), and curated fitness, nutrition, and stress management resources
Y’all it’s not rocket science, but achieving the transformation you desire does take a few things:
- Investing to access the right strategy
- Investing to access the right coach who can guide you. I am a cheerleader, therapist and drill sergeant all in one!
- Showing up for yourself by making your health a priority; health is the platform from which everything else stems.
- Commitment to practicing healthy lifestyle rituals, including strength training, fuelling your body appropriately, and refining as you go. Harnessing the mindset of “Decide how the person you want to become would act, and then act that way, even when it’s really F*cking Hard”.
It’s 100% possible to start experiencing positive effects of training and optimizing your diet immediately. But not if you continue spinning your wheels, and waiting until all the lights line up green.
There’s never a perfect time, there’s just NOW and what you want to make of it.
I hold all of my clients to a very high standard and I hold myself to a high standard as well. I’m going to incept a level of possibility for you that you didn’t even know you had, that’s my superpower as a coach. I’m going to show you what’s possible for you.
Here are my core values at Get Fit With Megan
Are you someone who:
- Sees investment in yourself as self-care
- Takes radical responsibility for their choices
- Sees pains as puzzles, stays clinical/objective, looks at shortcomings with curiosity and compassion, instead of shame and judgement
- Is resilient and resourceful
- Plays the long game/knows it will take time, and that consistency compounds
- Finds joy in the journey
- Believes if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you
- Is serious, committed and ready to do the work
I only want to work with people who also have values like me. If this is also you, I want to work with you!